What we do

Who we see
The Havelock Clinic is for anyone who wishes to make improvements in their sex life, whether there has been problems or just simply a new focus or direction wanted.
Couple work or individual work?
If you are not in a relationship with a regular partner come and see us on your own- we can still do something really useful to improve your confidence and get you feeling happier about your sex life again. If you are in a relationship with a regular partner or partners we will talk with you at some point about how to include them, even if you don’t bring them to start off with. We value all relationship structures and types at The Havelock, don’t feel your partner has to be regular, long term, or singular to be useful to the work. We can also do appointments by Skype if you and your partner are in different locations.
The Havelock Clinic has a strong LGBT background and passion, as all of the team have worked in services for LGBT people, or identify as LGBT themselves. We feel strongly that LGBT people should not have to fit into the narrow descriptions of sex, relationships, monogamy or sexual norms that are mostly used in our heteronormative culture (to be honest, we feel heterosexuals shouldn’t have to either but that’s another story!). We pride ourselves in being knowledgeable around practices, norms and terminology that you might want to talk about.
The sexual problems listed above are experienced by all people, regardless of sexual orientation, but there are some specific sexual difficulties for LGBT people which we have particular expertise in:
- Making decisions you feel good about around chemsex
- Feeling more in control of sex and sexual choices
- Worrying less about STIs
- Adjusting to new diagnoses like HEP C or HIV
- Keeping your sex life strong in serodiscordant relationships
- Enjoying sober sex
- A place to reflect on expressions of sexual identity for trans or non-binary people and their partners
- Making decisions about relationship structure (ie open/monogamous/poly) and keeping your sex life and/or relationship strong after making these choices